Agenda - 5th February 2004
Minutes - 5th February, 2004 (Subject to confirmation at next meeting)
06 - Area Plan for 2004/05
09(a) - Land at Hurst Lane, Brierley Hill
09(b) - Doctors Surgery - Dixons Green, Dudley
09(b) - Map 1 - Doctors Surgery, Dixons Green, Dudley
09(b) - Map 2 - Doctors Surgery, Dixons Green, Dudley
09(b) - Map 3 - Doctors Surgery, Dixons Green, Dudley
09(c) - Land to rear of Beech Green, Dudley
09(d) - Land Adjacent to 1 Cooke Avenue, Dudley
09(d) - Map - Land Adjacent to 1 Cooke Avenue, Dudley
09(e) - 40 Russells Hall Road, Dudley
09(f) - 22 - 24 Nith Place, Dudley
09(F) - Map - 22 - 24 Nith Place, Dudley
09(g) - Land fronting Salop Street, Dudley
09(g) - Map - Land fronting Salop Street, Dudley
09(h) - Leasehold Sale 11a New Street, Dudley
09(h) - Map - 11a New Street, Dudley
09(i) - ICT Services Building and Car Park, Tower Street, 7 Broadway, Dudley
09(j) - Land adjoining 4 New Rowley Road, Dudley
09(j) - Map - 4 New Rowley Road, Dudley
09(k) - Land rear of 243 - 251 Halesowen Road, Dudley
09(k) - Map - Land rear of 243 - 251 Halesowen Road, Dudley
09(l) - Land adjacent to 194 Cradley Road, Dudley
09(l) - Map - Land Adjacent to 194 Cradley Road, Dudley
09(m) - Land at Rayboulds Fold Car Park rear of 44 - 56 Halesowen Road, Dudley
09(n) - Former Furniture Workshop (Workshop1) Claughton Centre, Blowers Green Road, Dudley
09(n) - Map - Former Furniture Workshop (workshop1) Claughton Centre, Blowers Green Road, Dudley
11 - Proposals for Disabled Parking Places - Programme E
12 - Traffic Calming Measures
Decision Summary - 5th February 2004
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