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Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
14 Jun 2006 - 18:00 to 19:45
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Declarations of Interests


  1. pdf Agenda - 14th June, 2006 (74Kb)
  2. pdf Minutes - 14th June, 2006 (subject to confirmation at next meeting) (136Kb)
  3. pdf 05 - Best Value Performance Plan 2006 (35Kb)
  4. pdf 06 - Local Area Agreements (48Kb)
  5. pdf 07 - Council's Draft Supplementary Planning Document for Affordable Housing (197Kb)
  6. pdf 07a - appendix 1 - Council's Draft Supplementary Planning Document for Affordable Housing (398Kb)
  7. pdf 07b - appendix 2 - Council's Draft Supplementary Planning Document for Affordable Housing (235Kb)
  8. pdf 08 - Empty Homes Strategy 2006/07 (45Kb)
  9. pdf 08a - appendix 1 - Empty Homes Strategy (61Kb)
  10. pdf 08b - appendix 2 - Empty Homes Strategy (52Kb)
  11. pdf 09 - Our Health Our Care Our Say : A New Direction for Community Services (63Kb)
  12. pdf 09a - appendix 1 - Our Health Our Care Our Say - A New Direction for Community Services (125Kb)
  13. pdf 10 - Dudley Health and Wellbeing Partnership Health Strategies for Dudley (204Kb)
  14. pdf 10a - appendix 1 - Dudley Health and Wellbeing Partnership Health Strategies for Dudley (7864Kb)
  15. pdf 10b - appendix 2 - Dudley Health and Wellbeiung Partnership Health Strategies for Dudley (11987Kb)
  16. pdf 10c - appendix 3 - Dudley Health and Wellbeing Partnership Health Strategies for Dudley (1743Kb)
  17. pdf 11 - Quarterly Corporate Performance Monitoring Report (41Kb)
  18. pdf 11a - appendix - Quarterly Perfoirmance Monitoring Report (1295Kb)
  19. pdf 12 - Revenue and Capital Outturn 2005/06 (245Kb)
  20. pdf 13 - Local Public Service Agreement (53Kb)
  21. pdf 14 - Revision of Contract Standing Orders (41Kb)
  22. pdf 14a - appendix - Revision of Contract Standing Orders (113Kb)
  23. pdf 15 - Capital Programme Monitoring (136Kb)
  24. pdf 16 - Members Allowances Scheme (50Kb)
  25. pdf 16a - appendix - Members Allowances Scheme (41Kb)
  26. pdf 17 - Appointment of Representatives to Outside Organisations (59Kb)
  27. pdf 18 - Review of Housing Finance (85Kb)
  28. pdf 19 - Proposals for Extending Charging Policy for Community Care Services (56Kb)
  29. pdf 20a - appx - Introduction of Preventative Assistive Technology - DACHS rpt appx (41Kb)
  30. pdf 20 - Introduction of Preventative Technology Grant (48Kb)
  31. pdf 21 - Investing in the Future - Transforming Secondary Provision (41Kb)
  32. pdf 21a - appendix - Investing in the Future - Transforming Secondary Provision (682Kb)
  33. 24 - Directorate of Finance, ICT and Procurement - Human Resources Issue
  34. 25 - Directorate of Children's Services - Human Resouce Issues
  35. 26 - Efficiency Reirement Request
  36. 27 - Capital Programme Amendment
  37. 28 - Proposed Judicial Review - Police Restructuring
  38. 28a - appendix 1 - Proposed Judicial Review - Police Restructuring
  39. 28b - appendix 2 - Proposed Judicial Review - Police Restructuring
  40. Decision Summary


Attended - Other Members
No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Sending Apology
Councillor Anne Millward 
NameReason for Absence
No absentee information has been recorded for the meeting.

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
Councillor Les Jones28Proposed judicial review - Police restructuring - Member of West Midlands Police AuthorityDeclared personal interest 

Other Attendees

1. Councillor Susan Ridney: Opposition Spokesperson - Labour Group.
2. Councillor George Davies: Opposition Spokesperson - Labour Group.
3. Councillor Rosemary Tomkinson: Opposition Spokesperson - Labour Group.
4. Councillor Gaye Partridge: Opposition Spokesperson - Labour Group.
5. Councillor Judy Foster: Opposition Spokesperson - Labour Group.
6. Councillor Shaukat Ali: Opposition Spokesperson - Labour Group.
7. Councillor Timothy Crumpton: Opposition Spokesperson - Labour Group.
8. Councillor Dave Tyler: Opposition Spokesperson - Liberal Democrat Group.
9. See Minutes for: details of other attendees and personal interests.