Dudley Skyline

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Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
13 Sep 2006 - 18:00 to 20:11
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Declarations of Interests


  1. pdf Agenda - 13th September 2006 (69Kb)
  2. pdf Minutes - 13th September, 2006 (subject to confirmation at next meeting) (132Kb)
  3. pdf 05 - Economic Regeneration Activities (214Kb)
  4. pdf 05a - Appendix (52Kb)
  5. pdf 05b - Economic Regeneration - Background Report - Review of Activities (120Kb)
  6. pdf 05c - Dudley Town Centre Townscape Heritage Initiative - Conservation Area Management Plan - Pre Con (199Kb)
  7. pdf 06 - Wren's Nest and Seven Sisters Heritage Experience (215Kb)
  8. pdf 07 - Approval for the Adoption of the Supplementary Planning Documents for Nature Conservation and t (182Kb)
  9. pdf 07a - Supplementary Planning Document - Nature Conservation (549Kb)
  10. pdf 07b - Supplementary Planning Document for the Historic Environment (1049Kb)
  11. pdf 07c - Consultation Responses (121Kb)
  12. pdf 07d - Consultation Responses (67Kb)
  13. pdf 07e - Statement of Community Involvement for the Nature Conservation and Historic Environment Supple (717Kb)
  14. pdf 07f - Sustainability Appraisal of the Nature Conservation and Historic Environment Supplementary Pla (378Kb)
  15. pdf 08 - Draft Supplementary Planning Document - A Developer's Guide to New Housing and the Urban Design (176Kb)
  16. pdf 08a - New Housing Development – a Guide to establishing Urban Context Draft Supplementary Planning D (2047Kb)
  17. pdf 08b - Statement of Community Involvement for the Draft Supplementary Planning Document: New Housing (409Kb)
  18. pdf 08c - Sustainability Appraisal of the Draft Supplementary Planning Document: New Housing Development (586Kb)
  19. pdf 09 - Approval for Public Consultation of the Draft 'Parking Standards and Travel Plans' Supplementar (191Kb)
  20. pdf 09a - Supplementary Planning Document - Parking Standards and Travel Plans - Consultation Draft (1400Kb)
  21. pdf 09b - Sustainability Appraisal of the Draft Parking Standards and Travel Plans Supplementary Plannin (144Kb)
  22. pdf 09c - Statement of Community Involvement for the Draft Parking Standards and Travel Plans Supplement (89Kb)
  23. pdf 10 - Confirmation of Jont Working with the Other Black Country Authorities on the Production of a Jo (178Kb)
  24. pdf 11 - Interim Corporate ICT Strategy 2006-2007 (65Kb)
  25. pdf 11a - Appendix (319Kb)
  26. pdf 12 - Providing A Modern Library Service in Dudley MBC - A Strategy for the Future (71Kb)
  27. pdf 13 - Review of Homelessness Strategy (63Kb)
  28. pdf 13a - Appendix (136Kb)
  29. pdf 13b - Homelessness Strategy (Draft) (291Kb)
  30. pdf 14 - Quarterly Corporate Performance Management Report (42Kb)
  31. pdf 14a - Quarterly Performance Management Report - Full Document (482Kb)
  32. pdf 14b - Exception Report (114Kb)
  33. pdf 15 - Spending Projections 2006/07 (64Kb)
  34. pdf 16 - Update of the Council's Capital Strategy (51Kb)
  35. pdf 16a - Appendix (83Kb)
  36. pdf 17 - Capital Programme Monitoring (95Kb)
  37. pdf 18 - Annual Letter 2005/06 from the Local Government Ombudsman in respect of Complaints made against (49Kb)
  38. pdf 18a - Appendix 1 (720Kb)
  39. pdf 18b - Appendix 2 (76Kb)
  40. pdf 18c - Appendix 3 (14Kb)
  41. 21 - Dudley Town Centre Regeneration - Redevelopment of Dudley Civic Quadrant
  42. 22 - Restructuring of Transportation and Engineering Related Services
  43. 22a - Appendix
  44. 23 - Directorate of the Urban Environment - Human Resources Issues
  45. Decision Summary
  46. pdf Notice of Decisions (51Kb)


Attended - Other Members
No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Absence
No absentee information has been recorded for the meeting.

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.

Other Attendees

1. Councillor David Sparks: Opposition Spokesperson - Labour Group.
2. Councillor Gaye Partridge: Opposition Spokesperson - Labour Group.
3. Councillor George Davies: Opposition Spokesperson - Labour Group.
4. Councillor Shaukat Ali: Opposition Spokesperson - Labour Group.
5. Councillor Judy Foster: Opposition Spokesperson - Labour Group.
6. Councillor Rosemary Tomkinson: Opposition Spokesperson - Labour Group.
7. Councillor Dave Tyler: Opposition Spokesperson - Liberal Democrat Group.
8. See Minutes for: Details.