Agenda - 13th June 2006
Minutes - 13th June, 2006
05 - Application to Vary a Premises Licence, The Labour In Vain, 59 Red Hill, Oldswinford, Stourbrid
05a - Appendix 1
05b - Appendix 2
05c - Appendix 3
05d - Appendix 4
06 - Application to Vary a Premises Licence, The Gate, 110 Colley Gate, Halesowen
06a - Appendix 1
06b - Appendix 2
06c - Appendix 3
- Information relating to any individual;
06d - Appendix 4
07 - Application to Vary a Premises Licence, The Summerhouse, 67 Sedgley Road, Woodsetton, Dudley
07a - Appendix 1
07b - Appendix 2
07c - Appendix 3
07d - Appendix 4
08 - Application for the Grant of a Street Trading Consent for a French Market in Halesowen Town Cen
08a - Appendix 1
Declarations of Interests
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.
Other Attendees
There were no other attendees present at this meeting