Declarations of Interests
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.
Other Attendees
1. Councillor Shaukat Ali: Opposition spokesperson - Labour group.
2. Councillor Tim Crumpton: Opposition spokesperson - Labour group.
3. Councillor George Davies: Opposition spokesperson - Labour group (left meeting during consideration of item 5 in view of his membership of the Development Control Committee) .
4. Councillor Gaye Partridge: Opposition spokesperson - Labour group.
5. Councillor David Sparks: Opposition spokesperson - Labour group.
6. Councillor Margaret Wilson: Opposition spokesperson - Labour group for Clr Foster for this meeting. (left meeting during consideration of item 5 in view of her membership of the Development Control Committee. Declared a personal interest in item 15 as a Council housing tenant) .
7. Councillor Serena Craigie: Opposition spokesperson - Liberal Democratic group in place of Councillor Tyler for this meeting. (Declared a personal interest in item 15 as leaseholder of a Council property and in view of her office of Secretary of the Dudley Leaseholders Association.