Declarations of Interests
Councillor Timothy Crumpton | 10 | Personal and Prejudicial Interest in Delegated Capital Budget regarding Cradley Community Welfare Assocation - trustee of Association | Declaration registered. Councillor Crumpton left meeting room during consideration of item. | |
Councillor Kenneth Turner | 6 | Personal and Prjudicial Interest in relation to any fire service matters that might be raised - Member of West Midlands Fire Authority | Declaration registered. Councillor Turner left the meeting room during consideration of the item. | |
Councillor Kenneth Turner | 16 | Personal and Prejudicial Interest in view of his capacity as a Director of Groundwork Black Country and membership of Caslon Community Partnership | DEclaration registered. Councillor Turner left the meeting room during consideration of the item. | |
Other Attendees
There were no other attendees present at this meeting