Declarations of Interests
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.
Other Attendees
1. Councillor A Adams: Attended.
2. Councillor M Attwood: Attended.
3. Councillor C Banks: Attended.
4. Councillor Barlow: Attended.
5. Councillor Mrs M Cowell: Attended.
6. Councillor M Hanif: Attended.
7. Councillor L Jones: Attended.
8. Councillor I Kettle: Absent.
9. Councillor M Knowles: Apologies.
10. Councillor P Lowe: Attended.
11. Councillor Mrs P Martin: Apologies.
12. Councillor Mrs H Rogers: Attended.
13. Councillor A Turner: Absent.
14. Councillor Mrs E Walker: Attended.
15. Councillor C Wilson: Apologies.
16. Mr G Downing: Attended.
17. Mr H Mursaline: Absent.
18. Ms P Shepherd: Absent.