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Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
Development Control Committee
31 Aug 2010 - 18:00 to 19:40
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Declarations of Interests


  1. pdf 31st August 2010 (62Kb)
  2. pdf 31st August 2010 (218Kb)
  3. pdf 05 - P05/0114/E1 - Westminster Industrial Estate, Cradley Road, Netherton, Dudley - Extension of Time of Previously Approved Application P05/0144 (Demolition of Existing Warehouse and Erection of an Industrial Unit Housing Eight Workshops) (1506Kb)
  4. pdf 05 - P10/0300 - Land to rear of 15 Caroline Street, Dudley - Outline Application for Erection of 6 No. Flats (Access, Landscaping and Layout to be considered) (542Kb)
  5. pdf 05 - P10/0736 - Bell Hotel, 20 Market Street, Stourbirdgve - Repaint Ground Floor External Elevation of Public HOuse (660Kb)
  6. pdf 05 - P10/0761 - Land at Tower Street and the Broadway, Dudley - Demolition of Existing Buildings (Excluding Facade of Fire Station) and Erection of 3/4 Storey Teaching and Sports Facility with Parking and Associated Access (3079Kb)
  7. pdf 05 - P10/0766 - Land at Tower Street and the Broadway, Dudley - conservation Area Consent for Demolition of Former Fire Station (Excluding Facade), Ambulance Station and Ancillary Buildings at Rear (8151Kb)
  8. pdf 05 - P10/0812 - Former M & J Drilling Works, Holloway Street, Lower Gornal, Dudley - Residential Developmetn of 76 No. Dwellings with Associated Access and Parking (1994Kb)
  9. pdf 05 - P10/0814 - Rolling Mills Site, Bradley Road, Stourbridge - Residential Development of 85 Dwellings and Associated Parking (Resubmission of Refused Application P08/04210 (4108Kb)
  10. pdf 05 - P10-0815 - Blackthorn Road, Wordsley, Stourbridge - Demolition of 2-20 Blackthron Road and Erection of 20 No. Dwellings with Associated Access and Parking (4220Kb)
  11. pdf 05 - P10/0903 - RAF A Adastral Club, 11 Dixons Green Road, Dudley - Change of use from Former RAF Club to 4 No. Apartments with Elevational Changes to include New Windows, Pitched Roof Over Existing Flats Roofs and Removal of Existing Entrance Canopy to Display Original Porch (524Kb)
  12. pdf 05 - P10/0921 - Land to the rear of Zaria House, High Street, Wordsley, Stourbridge - Amendment to Reposition Plots 11 and 12 (Resubmission of Approved Application P10/0389) (3129Kb)
  13. pdf 05 - P10/0951 - Land at Himley Road, (Opposite Himley Road/Milking Bank Roundabout (Dudley - Prior Approval Under Part 24 of the Town and Country (GPDO) for Removal of Existing 12.5M High Telecommmunications Tower and Installation fo 12.5M High Joint Operator Telecommunications Street Furniture (4668Kb)
  14. pdf 05 - P10/0956 - former BP Petrol Filling Station, Corner of Spies Land and Kent Road, Halesowen - Retails Development (Outline) (Access and Layout to be considered) (998Kb)
  15. pdf 05 - P10/0960 - 13 Greenfield Avenue, Stourbridge - Conversion of 1 No. Dwelling into 2 No. Flats with Secnd Floor Conservatory and External Staircase (Resubmission of Withdrawn Application P10/0643) (812Kb)
  16. pdf 05 - P10/0988 - Wyko Building, High Street, Dudley - Display Non-Illuminated Fascia Signs (4500Kb)
  17. pdf 05 - P10/1001 - McDonald's Bromsgrove Road, Halesowen - Extension to Existing Restaurant and Elevation Changes to include New Entrance Doors and Cladding. Refurbishment of Patio Area with new fencing and Lighting (2288Kb)
  18. pdf 06 - Enforcement Report (42Kb)
  19. pdf 06a - Appendix (1664Kb)
  20. pdf 07 - Planning Obligations Report 2009/10 Financial Year (54Kb)
  21. pdf 07a - Appendicies (92Kb)


Attended - Other Members
No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Sending ApologySubstituted By
Councillor Colin Wilson Councillor Julian Ryder
NameReason for AbsenceSubstituted By
No absentee information has been recorded for the meeting.

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
Councillor Geoffrey Southall5P10/0736 - Bell Hotel, 20 Market Street, Stourbridge in view of him being invited by the tenants referred to in the report to the re-opening ceremonyPersonal & PrejudicialReocrded in Minutes
Councillor Geoffrey Southall5P10/0766 - Land at Tower Street and the Broadway, Dudley in view of his daughter being employed by Dudley CollegePersonalRecorded in Minutes

Other Attendees

Other attendees Information is not yet available for this meeting