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Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
Development Control Committee
20 Sep 2010 - 18:00 to 19:55
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Declarations of Interests


  1. pdf 20th September 2010 (62Kb)
  2. pdf 20th September 2010 (295Kb)
  3. pdf 05a - P10-0814 - Rolling Mills Site, Bradley Road, Stourbridge - Residential Development of 85 Dwellings and Associated Parking (Resubmission of Refused Application P08/0421) (2301Kb)
  4. pdf 05b - P10-0812 - Former M&J Drilling Works, Holloway Street, Lower Gornal, Dudley - Residential Development of 76 No. Dwellings with Associated Access and Parking (1759Kb)
  5. pdf 06a - P05-0556-E1 - Corner of Platts Road and High Street, Amblecote, Stourbridge - Extension of Time of Previously Approved Application P05/0556 (Residential Development to form 16 No. Apartments with Associated Car Parking) (Resubmission of Application P05/0008) (12962Kb)
  6. pdf 06b - P09-1538 - 20 Church Street, Quarry Bank, Brierley Hill - Demolition of Existing Dwelling and Garage and Erection of 2 No. Dwellings (700Kb)
  7. pdf 06c - P10-0417 - Former Depot, Blowers Green Road, Dudley - Creation of New Recycling Depot and Ancillary Facilities and Associated Parking (822Kb)
  8. pdf 06d - P10-0744 - Halesbury Day School, Feldon Lane, Halesowen - Alteration of Existing Road Layout to Enlarge Drop Off Bay Entrance (1890Kb)
  9. pdf 06e - P10-0884 - Former Robins Wood Centre Site, Scotts Road, Stourbridge - Erection of 14 No. Dwellings, Garages and Parking Spaces, New Access Road from Scotts Road and Associated Works (9769Kb)
  10. pdf 06f - P10-0902 - 1 Red Hill, Oldswinford, Stourbridge - Conversion of Existing 3 No. Bedroom Maisonette to 2 No. Apartments with Rear Dormer and Associated Access (1094Kb)
  11. pdf 06g - P10-0914 - College Campus, Dudley College, Castle View Campus, The Parade, Dudley - Residential Development (Outline) (Access to be considered) (6615Kb)
  12. pdf 06h - P10-0927 - Shop 66, 67 High Street, Dudley - Change of Use of Ground Floor from Retail (A1) to Hot Food Takeaway (A5) with New Shop Front and Fume Extraction. Creation of 5 No. Flats with External Staircase (1374Kb)
  13. pdf 06i - P10-0972 - 26 Lower High Street, Stourbridge - Change of Use of from Retail (A1) to Coffee Shop and Retail (A1/A3) and New Shop Front (Part Retrospective) (2818Kb)
  14. pdf 06j - P10-1086 - St Thomas's Vicarage, King Street, Dudley - Conversion of existing Vicarage into 5 No. Dwellings with Associated Car Parking, New Access from King Street and Removal of Vehicular Access from Vicar Street with Installtion of Railings and Pedestrian Gate (Resubmission of Withdrawn App (3548Kb)
  15. pdf 06k - P10-1089 - Units 4/5 Midtherm Flue Systems, Shaw Road, Netherton, Dudley - Single Storey Factory Extension (6664Kb)
  16. pdf 06l - P10-1091 - Unit 4 Starcrest Industrial Estate, Talbots Lane, Brierley Hill - Change of use of Redundant Building into Cafe (Retrospective) (614Kb)
  17. pdf 06m - P10-1092 - Land Rear of 4 Perott Gardens, Culverhouse Drive, Brierley Hill - Erection of 4 No. Dwellings (5138Kb)
  18. pdf 06n - P10-0954 - Dudley College of Technology, The Broadway, Dudley - Outline Planning Application to demolish blocks D, E and F and erection of new Teaching Facility (All Matters Reserved) (1867Kb)
  19. pdf 06o - P10-1104 - Earl of Wessex Public House, 43 Summerhill Road, Coseley - Demolition of Existing Public House and Erection of 8 No. Dwellings (Resubmission of Withdrawn Application P10/0738) (3530Kb)
  20. pdf 07 - Building Control Fees - 2010/2011 (40Kb)
  21. pdf 07a - Appendix A (103Kb)
  22. pdf 07b - Appendix B (20Kb)
  23. pdf 07c - Appendix B - Schedule 2 (24Kb)
  24. pdf 07d - Appendix B - Schedule 3 (13Kb)
  25. pdf 07e - Appendix B - Schedule 4 (12Kb)
  26. pdf 07f - Appendix B - Scheme fee wording first draft (47Kb)
  27. pdf 09 - Enforcement Action (51Kb)
  28. pdf 09a - Appendix (216Kb)


Attended - Other Members
No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Sending ApologySubstituted By
No apology information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for AbsenceSubstituted By
No absentee information has been recorded for the meeting.

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
Councillor Colin Banks6Planning application number P05/0556/E1 (Corner of Platts Road and High Street, Amblecote) as he was a Member of Brierley Hill Methodist Church and his wife was a Member of the Methodist Church Circuit Committee.PersonalDeclared a personal interest
Councillor Geoffrey Southall6Planning application numbers P10/0914 and P10/0954 (Dudley College, Castle View Campus and the Broadway, Dudley) as his daughter was employed by Dudley College.PersonalDeclared a personal interest
Councillor Timothy Wright6Planning application number P10/1092 (Land Corner of 4 Perott Gardens, Brierley Hill) as he was a personal friend of the applicant and had also undertaken work for him.Personal & PrejudicialDeclared a Personal & Prejudical Interest

Other Attendees

Other attendees Information is not yet available for this meeting