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Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
Development Control Committee
22 Nov 2010 - 18:00 to 19:20
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Declarations of Interests


  1. pdf 22nd November 2010 (62Kb)
  2. pdf 22nd November 2010 (37Kb)
  3. pdf 05 - Planning Application P10/1250 - Former Chapel Windows Site, Dudley Wood Road/Lantern Road, Netherton, Dudley - Demolition of Existing Building and Erection of 6 Dwellngs (Resubmission of Withdrawn Applicatino P09/1396) (743Kb)
  4. pdf 06a - Planning Application No. P07/0574/E1 - 41/42 Hall Street, Dudley - Extension of Time of Previously Approved Application P07/0574 (Erection of 19 No. Apartments and 2 No. Shops (A!) and Assoicated Access and Infrastructure (220Kb)
  5. pdf 06b - Planning Application No. P09/1218 - Manor Abbey Farm, Manor Way, Halesowen - Conversion of Barns to 6 No. Dwellings and Provision of Visitor Facilities (1782Kb)
  6. pdf 06c - Planning Application No. P09/1219 - Manor Abbey Farm, Manor Way, Halesowen - Listed Building Consent to Convert Barns to 6 No. Dwellings and Visitor Centre for Halesowen Abbey (1774Kb)
  7. pdf 06d - P10/0399 - Land Between 17 - 19 Verity Walk, Stourbridge - Erection of 2 No. Dwellings (Resubmissin of Withdrawn Application P09/1549) (491Kb)
  8. pdf 06e - Planning Application P10/0764 - Kudos House, Land at Corner of Priory Road and Ednam Road, Dudley - Demolition of Kudos House, Former Coach House and Sports Hall and Erection of Sixth Forms Centre and Higher Edcuation Centre with Parking and Associated Access (2662Kb)
  9. pdf 06f - Planning Application P10/0765 - Kudos House, Land at Corner of Priory Road and Ednam Road, Dudley - Conservation Area Consent for Demoliton of Kudos House, Former Coach House, Sports Hall and Boundary Wall (2991Kb)
  10. pdf 06g - Planning Application No. P10/1164 - Struggling Man, Prospect Row, Dudley - Removal of Condition 1 of Planning Approval P09/1614 which states 'The Development Shall Not Begin Unitil a Scheme for the Provision of Off Site Public Open Space and Play Area Improvements, Off Site Library Improvement (170Kb)
  11. pdf 06h - Planning Application No. P10/1298 - Arbil Ltd, Providence Street, Lye, Stourbridge - Portal Framed Infill to Cover Existing Yard and to Create Office (933Kb)
  12. pdf 06i - P10/1359 - Former Wordsley Hospital, Stream Road, Wordsley, Stourbridge - Amendment to Approved Application P10/0206 to Create 4 No. Apartmentsin the Basement of Block 2 (The Clock Tower) by Subdividing 1 No. Large Apartment into 2 No Apartments (740Kb)
  13. pdf 06j - Planning Application P10/1364 - 15 Swindell Road, Pedmore, Stourbridge - Single Storey Front Extension (271Kb)
  14. pdf 06k - Planning Application No. P10/1377 - Land to the rear of 1105 Enville Road, Wall Heath - Approval of Reserved Matters for Erection of 9 No. Dwellings to include the Provision of an Area of Species Rich Grassland (Following Outline Approval P09/0785) (644Kb)
  15. pdf 06l - Planning Application No. P10/1379 - The Bungalow, Beecher Street, Cradley, Halesowen - Outline Application for the Erection of 1 No. Dwelling (Following Demolition of Existing Garage) Access, Layout and Scale to be considered. Creation of New Vehicular Access to the Bungalow. (Resubmission of (536Kb)
  16. pdf 06m - Planning Appalication P10/1384 - Units 4/5/ Midtherm Flue Systems, Shaw Road, Netherton, Dudley - Single Storey Factory Extension (Resubmission of Refused Application P10/1089) (265Kb)
  17. pdf 06n - Planning Application P10/1388 - 1AA Timmis Road, Lye, Stourbridge - Change of Use of Scout Headquarters (155Kb)
  18. pdf 06o - Planning Application P10/1400 - Land Adjacent to and rear of 13D Vale Street, Stourbridge - Erection of 13D Vale Street, Stourbridge - Erection of 1 Dwelling and retention of 2 No Parking Spaces for 13D Vale Street (Resubmission of Refused Application P10/0012) (336Kb)


Attended - Other Members
No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Sending ApologySubstituted By
Councillor John Martin Councillor Khurshid Ahmed
Councillor Colin Wilson Councillor Julian Ryder
NameReason for AbsenceSubstituted By
No absentee information has been recorded for the meeting.

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
Councillor Geoffrey Southall06Planning application numbers P10/0764 and P10/0765 (Kudos House, Land Corner of Priory Road and Ednam Road, Dudley) as his daughter was employed by Dudley College.PersonalDeclared Personal Interest
Councillor Hazel Turner06Planning application number P10/1164 (Struggling Man, Prospect Row, Dudley), as she knew the developerPersonal & PrejudicialDeclared Personal and Prejudicial Interest

Other Attendees

Other attendees Information is not yet available for this meeting