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Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
Development Control Committee
13 Dec 2010 - 18:00 to 19:35
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Declarations of Interests


  1. pdf 13th December 2010 (115Kb)
  2. pdf 13th December 2010 (subject to confirmation at the next meeting) (83Kb)
  3. pdf P07/1120/E1 - 140 Thorns Road, Brierley Hill - Extension of time of previously approved application P07/1120 for erection of 3 No. 2 Bedroom town houses and 6 No. 1 bedroom apartments (162Kb)
  4. pdf P09/0003 - Rizvia Mosque, 4 Trinity Street, Brierley Hill - Demolition of existing Mosque and Community Building and construction of new Mosque and Community Building (909Kb)
  5. pdf P09/0892/A1 - Former Sycamore Green Primary School, Sycamore Green, Parkes Hall Estate, Dudley - Minor amendment to previous approved application P09/0892 (468Kb)
  6. pdf P10/0845 - Rear of 27 and 29 Park Lane, Cradley -Change of use for the storage of skip lorries and empty skips (248Kb)
  7. pdf P10/0852 - 107 High Street, Kingswinford - Demolition of existing dwelling nad erection of 11 No dwellins with garages, parking spaces and assoicated works (987Kb)
  8. pdf P10/0991 - Land rear of the British Queen Public House, 55 Parkes Hall Road fronting Turley Street, Dudley - Outline application for erection of 5 N. dwellings (access and layout to be considered) (resubmission of withdrawn applicaiton P10/0602) (411Kb)
  9. pdf P10/1136 - 37 Sedgley Road, Woodsetton, Dudley - Change of use of site for builder's equipment storage and associated offices (B8). Two storey extension (following demolition of existing store) elevational changes including the installation of a new entrance door and roller shutter. Construction of (697Kb)
  10. pdf P10/1138 - Land off Webb Street, Coseley - Erection of 4 No. Industrial Units (2182Kb)
  11. pdf P10/1292 - Land between Lodgefield Road and Coombs Road, Halesowen - Approval of reserved matters for erection of 70 No. dwellings (following outline approval P08/1373) (7174Kb)
  12. pdf P10/1325 - Wordsley Manor , Meadowfields Close, Wordsley - Erection of 14 No. dwellings with associated access (resubmission of withdawn application P09/1335) (4726Kb)
  13. pdf P10/1397 - 15 Glebe Lane, Norton, Stourbridge - Demolition of existing outbuilding and erection of single storey rear extension with air condition unit to rear of existing retail foodstore (326Kb)
  14. pdf P10/1402 - Priory Park, Amateur Boxing Club, Priory Road, Dudley - Single storey extension and new entrance to boxing club (528Kb)
  15. pdf P10/1404 - St Peter and English Martyrs Presbythery, 27 Temple Street, Lower Gornal - Single Sstorey rear/side extension and elevational changes to include cladding (924Kb)
  16. pdf P10/1413 - Duke Williams Public House, 25 Coventry Street, Stourbridge- change of use of first floor to function room (A4) (215Kb)
  17. pdf P10/1420 - 168 Wolverhampton Street, Dudley - change of use from dwellings (C3) to taxi office (sui generic) on the ground floor and office (B1) to the first floor (354Kb)
  18. pdf P10/1459 - 63 Brompton Drive, Brierley Hill - Demolition of existing garage and and erection of 1 No. dwelling (resubmission of withdrawn application P10/1270) (891Kb)
  19. pdf P10/1495 - Rear of 15 Witton Street, Norton, Stourbridge - Errection of 1 No. dwelling (resubmission of withdrawn application P10/0790) (340Kb)
  20. pdf P10/1496 - Sedgley Hall Farm Park, Northway, Sedgley - Replacement of 4m high expament fencing to rear boundary of depot (479Kb)
  21. pdf P10/1517 - Existing Base Station Site, Birmingham New Road, Dudley - Telecommunications development comprising the removal of existing 15m telecommunications tower and installation of 17.5 high joint operator street furniture telecommunications tower and new equipment cabinet (resubmission of refuse (594Kb)
  22. pdf P10/1530 - Westland Motors, High Street, Amblecote - Change of use of service bay to vehicle wash facility (resubmission of withdrawn application P10/0745) (575Kb)
  23. pdf P10/1569 - 50 Ridge Grove, Stourbridge - Conversion of dwelling into 2 No. flats with removal of one door and creation of new door (213Kb)
  24. pdf P10/1235 - Clee View Barn, Edge Hill Drive, Sedgley - Installation of 8 No solar PV panels (246Kb)
  25. pdf 06 - Consideration of a request to remove unilateral undertaking (182Kb)


Attended - Other Members
No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Sending ApologySubstituted By
No apology information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for AbsenceSubstituted By
No absentee information has been recorded for the meeting.

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
Councillor Geoffrey Southall5.Planning application P10/1495 - Rear of 15 Witton Street, Norton - Personal friend of occupants of 2 Fredericks Close referred to in the reportPersonal & PrejudicialLeft meeting. Interest recorded in minutes.

Other Attendees

Other attendees Information is not yet available for this meeting