Revised Agenda - 6th March 2018
6th March, 2018
6(a) - Planning Application No. P17-0574 - 148, Wolverhampton Street, Dudley
6(b) - Planning Application No. P17-1573 - Land rear of Addenbrooke, Lodge Lane, Kingswinford
6(c) - Planning Application No. P17-1602 - Land to rear of 46-72 Wychbury Road, Wollescote
6(d) - Planning Application No. P17-1637 - 104 Gorge Road, Coseley,
6(e) - Planning Application No. P17-1659 - 6 Maidensbridge Road, Wall Heath, Kingswinford
6(f) - Planning Application No. P17-1712 - 7 Victoria Avenue, Halesowen
6(g) - Planning Application No. P17-1735 - 72-80 Daisy Street, Coseley
6(h) - Planning Application No. P17-1750 - Reliance Garage, High Street, Wollaston, Stourbridge
6(i) - Planning Application No. P18-0004 - Garage site opposite, 39-45, Uplands Road, Dudley
6(j) - Planning Application No. P18-0005 - C W P Holdings Ltd, New John Street, Halesowen
7 - Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) - Approval of 2016-17 spend and approval for consultation of the Dudley CIL
7(a) - Appendix 1 - CIL Regulation 123 List March 2017
7(b) - Appendix 2 - Amended CIL funding Prioritisation Matrix
08 - Planning Services Fees - 1st April, 2018
Complete Agenda
Declarations of Interests
Councillor Andrea Goddard | Agenda Item No. 6 | Planning Application No. P17/1659 - 6 Maidensbridge Road, Wall Heath, Kingswinford - Single Storey side/rear extension and first floor rear extension, as she was a close friend of the objector. | Non-Pecuniary | Noted and withdrew from the meeting |
Councillor Christine Perks | Agenda Item No. 6 | Planning Application No. P17/1573 - Land rear of Addenbrooke, Lodge Lane, Kingswinford - Erection of 2 no. dwellings. | Non-Pecuniary | Noted and withdrew from the meeting |
Councillor Qadar Zada | Agenda Item No. 6 | Any maters relating to rental properties as a landlord in the Borough. | Non-Pecuniary | Noted |
Other Attendees
Other attendees Information is not yet available for this meeting