Agenda - 26th January, 2005
Minutes - 26th January, 2005 (Subject to confirmation at next meeting)
05 - Park Buildings, Park Road, Gornal
- Information relating to any individual;
05a - Appendix
- Information relating to any individual;
11 - Applications in respect of Land and Property owned by the Council
11.1 - Application to declare an area of land between No. 1 Ellowes Road and 1H Ellowes Road, Lower
11.1 - Map - Application to declare an area of land between No. 1 Ellowes Road and 1H Ellowes Road,
11.2 - Application to purchase land adjoining 90 Sedgley Road, Woodsetton
11.2 - Map - Application to purchase land adjoining 90 Sedgley Road, Woodsetton
11.3 - Application to declare an area of land rear of 20/36 Duke Street, Upper Gornal, surplus to re
11.3 - Map - Application to declare an area of land rear of 20/36 Duke Street, Upper Gornal, Surplus
11.4 - Application to declare the former Red Cross Offices and Housing Land, Cross Lane, Sedgley, su
11.4 - Map - Application to declare the former Red Cross Offices and Housing Land, Cross Lane, Sedgl
11.5 - Application to declare an area of land at Barrow Hill, Pensnett as a Local Nature Reserve und
11.5 - Map - Application to declare an area of land at Barrtow Hill, Pensnett as a Local Nature Rese
11.6 - Application in respect of land at High Holborn Shopping Centre Car Park Fronting Tipton Stree
11.6 - Map - Application in respect of land at High Holborn Shopping Centre Car Park Fronting Tipton
11.7 - Application to purchase an area of land, Strathmore, St James's Street, Lower Gornal
11.7 - Map - Application to purchase an area of land, Strathmore, St. James's Street, Lower Gornal
12 - Delegated Capital Allocations
13 - Responses to Questions Raised at Previous Meeting
14 - Appendix 1 - Proposed Dudley MBC Commemorative Plaque Scheme
14 - Appendix 2 - Proposed Dudley MBC Commemorative Plaque Scheme
14 - Proposed Dudley MBC Commemorative Plaque Scheme
15 - Proposed Night Time (7 pm to 7 am) 7.5 Tonne Weight Restriction Daisy Street, Harding Street, S
16 - Proposals for Disabled Parking Places - Programme G
Decision Summary - 26th January 2005
No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
No apology information has been recorded for the meeting.
No absentee information has been recorded for the meeting.
Declarations of Interests
Councillor George Davies | 5 Park Buildings | Member of the Development Control Committee | Disclosed Prejudicial Interest - Cllr Davies was not in attendance whilst the item was discussed by the Committee | |
Councillor David Stanley | 5 Park Buildings | Member of Development Control Committee | Disclosed Prejudicial Interest - Cllr Stanley was not in attendance whilst the item was discussed by the Committee | |
Other Attendees
1. Chief Superintendent P Green: West Midlands Police.
2. Inspector L Bailey: West Midlands Police.