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Meeting Details

School Organisation Committee
6 Jun 2006 - 18:00 to 22:50
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Declarations of Interests


  1. pdf Agenda - 6th June, 2006 (1369Kb)
  2. pdf Minutes - 6th June, 2006 (Subject to confirmation at next meeting) (99Kb)
  3. pdf 01a - Minutes from School Organisation Committee meeting on 26th January 2006 (113Kb)
  4. pdf 01b - Minutes from School Organisation Committee meeting on 2nd February 2006 (83Kb)
  5. pdf 06 - Local Authority response to objections to proposed closure of Holt Farm (Main report) (451Kb)
  6. pdf 06 - Statutory Notice published by Dudley Local Authority in respect of Holt Farm Primary School (243Kb)
  7. pdf 06a - Appendix A - Summary of objection letters and itemised points of objection (364Kb)
  8. pdf 06b - Appendix B - OFSTED Reports relating to Holt Farm, Olive Hill and Hurst Green (15Kb)
  9. pdf 06c - Appendix C - Statutory Notices relating to Holt Farm (38Kb)
  10. pdf 06d - Appendix D - Letters from DfES confirming allocation of Targeted Capital Funding and Basic Nee (55Kb)
  11. pdf 06e - Appendix E - Work in Progress list of school changes in Dudley (83Kb)
  12. pdf 06f - Appendix F - Holt Farm projected pupil numbers (17Kb)
  13. pdf 06g - Appendix G - Holt Farm location map (275Kb)
  14. pdf 06h - Appendix H - Cabinet approval to publish Statutory Notices (39Kb)
  15. pdf 06i - Appendix I - 17 November Report to Cabinet (2840Kb)
  16. pdf 06j - Appendix J - School Organisation Plan 2003-08 (2425Kb)
  17. pdf 06k - Appendix K - Additional letters received - Non School Specific (11Kb)
  18. pdf 06l - Appendix L - Breakdown of consultation responses (38Kb)
  19. pdf 06m - Appendix M - Holt Farm and Olive Hill Decision Sheet (38Kb)
  20. pdf 06n - Appendix N - Consultation document on proposals for Holt Farm and Olive Hill (709Kb)
  21. pdf 06o - Appendix O - Initial consultation results (143Kb)
  22. pdf 06p - Appendix P - Report on responses to consultation on proposals for Holt Farm and Olive Hill (192Kb)
  23. pdf 06q - Appendix Q - Extract from minutes from Cabinet meeting on 15th June 2005 (13Kb)
  24. pdf 06r - Appendix R - Letter of support from the Children and Young People's Partnership (20Kb)
  25. pdf 07 - Halesowen CE Primary and Hasbury CE Primary Schools (13Kb)


No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Sending Apology
Mrs D Eden 
Mrs J Jessup 
Mr H Seaton 
NameReason for Absence
No absentee information has been recorded for the meeting.

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.

Other Attendees

There were no other attendees present at this meeting