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Meeting Details

21 Apr 2008 - 18:00 to 20:12
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Declarations of Interests

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
Councillor Angus Adams2Minute No. 83 of Stourbridge Area Committee (Stevens Park and Recreation Ground Foundation Trusts – Applications for Grants) - in view of involvement with the Friends of Mary Stevens Park.Disclosed personal and prejudicial interest 
Councillor Shaukat Ali2Minute No. 83 of Central Dudley Area Committee (Capital Allocations – St Thomas’s Community Games Association) - in view of his chairmanship of the organisation making the application.Disclosed personal and prejudicial interest 
Councillor Shaukat Ali2Minute No. 83 of Central Dudley Area Committee (Capital Allocations – Friends of Buffery Park) – as he had been closely involved in the submission of the application.Disclosed personal and prejudicial interest 
Councillor Shaukat Ali2Minute No. 100 of the Cabinet (Capital Programme Monitoring and Capital Programme 2008/09 – 2010/11) – in view of his involvement with the Friends of Buffery Park in providing support and advice in relation to their application.Disclosed personal and prejudicial interest 
Councillor Shaukat Ali2Delegated Decision Summary No. 60 (Change of Instrument of Government for Castle High School) – as a Foundation Trustee.Disclosed personal interest 
Councillor Shaukat Ali2Minutes of the Central Dudley Area Committee and all references to the St. Thomas’s Community Games Association – in view of his Chairmanship of the organisation.Disclosed personal and prejudicial interest 
Councillor Margaret Aston2Minute No. 63 of the Select Committee on Health and Adult Social Care (Annual Health Check – A Guide for Health and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Members) – as her son worked for the West Midlands Ambulance Service.Disclosed personal interest 
Councillor Margaret Aston2Minute No. 123 of the Cabinet (Priory Park and Ruin – Outline 10 Year Management Plan) - as attendee of Friends of the Park Group meetings.Disclosed personal interest 
Councillor Mike Attwood2Minute No. 83 of the Stourbridge Area Committee (Stevens Park and Recreation Ground Foundation Trusts Grant Applications) – as the Chairman of the Friends of Mary Stevens Park.Disclosed personal and prejudicial interest 
Councillor David Blood2Minute No. 80 of Brierley Hill Area Committee (Capital Allocations - grant application by Wordsley Festival Group) – as attended meetings of the Group.Disclosed personal interest 
Councillor David Blood2Minute No. 63 of the Select Committee on Children’s Services (references to Building Schools for the Future) – in view of School Governorship as referred to in the Minutes of the Select Committee.Disclosed personal interest 
Councillor Ena Blood2Minute No. 80 of Brierley Hill Area Committee (Capital Allocations - grant application by Wordsley Festival Group) – as attended meetings of the Group.Disclosed personal interest 
Councillor Lynn Boleyn2Minute No. 81 of Brierley Hill Area Committee (Matters raised at the Brierley Hill Area Committee on 31st January, 2008 in so far as the item related to stray horses) – due to involvement with the RSPCA.Disclosed personal interest 
Councillor Lynn Boleyn2Minutes Nos. 53 (Standards Report – Performance Data) and 63 (Notice of Questions Under Council Procedure Rules – Building Schools for the Future) of the Select Committee on Children’s Services – in view of her Governorship of Maidensbridge Primary School and her Membership of the Kingswinford Schools Association.Disclosed personal interests 
Councillor Ray Burston2Minute No. 86 of the Halesowen Area Committee (Halesowen Town Centre Redevelopment) – regarding any discussion of service revisions arising from the Dudley Bus Review and regarding the Halesowen Bus Station in view of employment by CENTRO.Disclosed personal interest 
Councillor Ray Burston2Minute No. 26 of the Audit Committee (Terms of Reference of the Audit Committee) – as member of the West Midlands Local Government Pension Scheme.Disclosed personal interest 
Councillor Ray Burston2Minute No. 82(a) of the Brierley Hill Area Committee (Reference to Bus Service 261) - on account of employment with CENTRO.Disclosed personal interest 
Councillor June Collins2Minute No. 85 of Stourbridge Area Committee (Lye and Wollescote Cemetery Chapel – Update on the Applications made for External Funding to the Architectural Heritage Fund and Heritage Lottery Fund) - in view of her son being a Director of the West Midlands Historic Buildings Trust.Disclosed personal and prejudicial interest 
Councillor Bryan Cotterill2Minute No. 83 of Central Dudley Area Committee (Capital Allocations – Saltwells Youth Club) – as he was acquainted with the Chairman of the organisation making the application.Disclosed personal interest 
Councillor Timothy Crumpton2Minute No. 73 of the Select Committee on Regeneration, Culture and Adult Education (Update on Insurance Arrangements for Community Groups) – as a trustee of Wollescote and Cradley Community Association.Disclosed personal interest 
Councillor John R. Davies2Agenda item No. 5(a)(ii) (Capital Programme Monitoring – reference to Green Park) - as attendee at meetings of Friends of Green Park as a local Councillor.Disclosed personal interest 
Councillor John R. Davies2Minute No. 83 of Central Dudley Area Committee (Capital Allocations - regarding the St Thomas Community Games) - as attendee at meetings of the Community Games Committee as a local Councillor.Disclosed personal interest 
Councillor John R. Davies2Minute No. 93 of the Cabinet (Deployment of Resources – Housing Revenue Account and Public Sector Housing Capital - concerning the rent increase) - as relatives lived in Council dwellings.Disclosed personal interest 
Councillor Jennie Dunn2Minute No. 63 of the Select Committee on Children’s Services (references to Building Schools for the Future) – in view of School Governorship as referred to in the Minutes of the Select Committee.Disclosed personal interest 
Councillor Lesley Faulkner2Minute No. 89 of the Halesowen Area Committee (Shell Corner Local Regeneration Plan) – as the Vice-Chairman of Shell Corner Partnership.Disclosed personal and prejudicial interest 
Councillor Lesley Faulkner2All references to matters connected with the Dudley Group of Hospitals - in view of "passive" membership (this did not involve any direct role in the management of the organisation).Disclosed personal interest 
Councillor Ken Finch2Minute No. 123 of the Cabinet (Priory Park and Ruin – Outline 10 Year Management Plan) - as attendee of Friends of the Park Group meetings.Disclosed personal interest 
Councillor Alan Finch2Minute No. 123 of the Cabinet (Priory Park and Ruin – Outline 10 Year Management Plan) - as attendee of Friends of the Park Group meetings.Disclosed personal interest 
Councillor Mohammed Hanif2Minute No. 63 of the Select Committee on Children’s Services (references to Building Schools for the Future) – in view of School Governorship as referred to in the Minutes of the Select Committee.Disclosed personal interest 
Councillor Rachel Harris2Agenda Item 5(a)(i) and Minute No. 122 of the Cabinet (Local Area Agreement) - as Chair of the Health and Well Being Partnership within the Dudley Community Partnership.Disclosed personal interests 
Councillor Rachel Harris2Agenda Item 5(a)(iii) (Dudley Borough Economic Strategy – reference to new Health and Social Care Centre in Brierley Hill) - LIFT project as Chair of Dudley Primary Care Trust, partners in the LIFT company.Disclosed personal interest 
Councillor Rachel Harris2Minute No. 63 of the Select Committee on Health and Adult Social Care (Reference to Health Care Commission Standards) - Personal interest as Chair of Dudley Primary Care TrustDisclosed personal interest 
Councillor Rachel Harris2Minute No. 96 of the Cabinet (Future Configuration of Mental Health Services in Dudley and Walsall) - Chair of Dudley Primary Care Trust - current providers of Mental Health services in the borough.Disclosed personal interest 
Councillor Jeff Hill2Minute No. 63 of the Select Committee on Children’s Services (references to Building Schools for the Future) – in view of School Governorship as referred to in the Minutes of the Select Committee.Disclosed personal interest 
Councillor Robert James2Agenda Item No. 5(a)(ii) - Capital Programme Monitoring (Reference to Liveability) - as a Friend of Highfields Park, Halesowen.Disclosed personal interest 
Councillor Ian Kettle2Minute No. 26 of the Audit Committee (Terms of Reference of the Audit Committee) – as member of the West Midlands Local Government Pension Scheme.Disclosed personal interest 
Councillor Peter Miller2Minute No. 80 of Brierley Hill Area Committee (Capital Allocations - grant application by the Kingswinford Village Association) - in view of his Chairmanship of the Association.Disclosed personal interest 
Councillor Jill Nicholls2Minute No. 26 of the Audit Committee (Terms of Reference of the Audit Committee) – as member of the West Midlands Local Government Pension Scheme.Disclosed personal interest 
Councillor Harold Nottingham2Minute No. 63 of the Select Committee on Children’s Services (references to Building Schools for the Future) – in view of his governorship of one of the schools possibly involved in the bidding process.Disclosed personal interest 
Councillor Mahbubur Rahman2Minute No. 63 of the Select Committee on Children’s Services (references to Building Schools for the Future) – in view of his being a parent of a pupil at Northfield Road Primary School.Disclosed personal interest 
Councillor Mahbubur Rahman2Agenda Item 5(a)(ii) (Capital Programme Monitoring – references to computers for schools and expansion of Hillcrest School and Community College) - as children attended Hillcrest School.Disclosed personal interest 
Councillor Heather Rogers2Minute No. 83 of Stourbridge Area Committee (Stevens Park and Recreation Ground Foundation Trusts – Applications for Grants) - in view of involvement with the Friends of Mary Stevens Park.Disclosed personal and prejudicial interest 
Councillor Geoffrey Southall2Minute No. 80 of Brierley Hill Area Committee (Capital Allocations - grant application by Wordsley Festival Group) – as attended meetings of the Group.Disclosed personal interest 
Councillor Geoffrey Southall2Minute No. 80 of Brierley Hill Area Committee (Capital Allocations - in so far as the item related to Phoenix Youth Football Club) – as a Council Member of the Birmingham County Football Association, to which body the Phoenix Youth Football Club was affiliated.Disclosed personal interest 
Councillor Geoffrey Southall2Minute No. 74 of Brierley Hill Area Committee (Land Issues – Land at High Street, Wordsley (former Wordsley Institute)) - as the proprietor of the Rose and Crown public house, Wordsley, had approached him and spoken about the possible purchase of the land when it reverted to Council possession. Councillor Southall also made the declaration in view of his membership of the Development Control Committee.Disclosed personal and prejudicial interest 
Councillor Geoffrey Southall2Minute No. 76 of the Brierley Hill Area Committee (Joint Core Strategy for the Black Country – Public Consultation) – in view of membership of the Development Control Committee and the strategy identified build options that had potential for determination at a future date by the Development Control Committee.Disclosed personal interest 
Councillor Geoffrey Southall2Minute No. 77 of Brierley Hill Area Committee (Brierley Hill Action Plan – Public Consultation) – in view of membership of the Development Control Committee and the Action Plan identified build options that had potential for determination at a later date by the Development Control Committee.Disclosed personal interest 
Councillor Geoffrey Southall2Minute No. 78 of Brierley Hill Area Committee (Brierley Hill High Street Conservation Area) – in view of membership of the Development Control Committee and the recommendations regarding a Conservation Area Character Appraisal would require consideration by the Development Control Committee.Disclosed personal interest 
Councillor Geoffrey Southall2Minute No. 67 of the Select Committee on Regeneration, Culture and Adult Education (Developments in Coseley) – in view of possible future determinations as member of the Development Control Committee.Disclosed personal interest 
Councillor Geoffrey Southall2Minute No. 64 of the Select Committee on Regeneration, Culture and Adult Education (Dudley Borough Economic Strategy) – in view of possible future determinations as member of the Development Control Committee.Disclosed personal interest 
Councillor Geoffrey Southall2Minute No. 70 of the Select Committee on Regeneration, Culture and Adult Education (Progress Report on Regeneration of Stourbridge) – in view of any possible future determinations as member of the Development Control Committee.Disclosed personal interest 
Councillor Geoffrey Southall2Minute No. 71 of the Select Committee on Regeneration, Culture and Adult Education (Planning Application Statistics Relating to Affordable Housing and Apartment Developments) – as member of the Development Control Committee involved in the decision making process producing the statistics under consideration.Disclosed personal interest 
Councillor Geoffrey Southall2Minute No. 65 of the Select Committee on Regeneration, Culture and Adult Education (Presentation on the Joint Core Strategy for the Black Country – Preferred Options) – as any references to new build and densities as related to Dudley Borough in respect of future applications that may appear before the Development Control Committee.Disclosed personal interest 
Councillor Geoffrey Southall2Minute No. 81 of Stourbridge Area Committee (Capital Allocations – reference to Withymoor Colts Football Club) - as a Council member of the Birmingham County Football Association, to whom the Club were affiliated.Disclosed personal interest 
Councillor David Stanley2Agenda Item 5(a)(ii) (Capital Programme Monitoring – reference to Liveability) - in view of involvement with the Friends Group in connection with Cotwall End Valley.Disclosed personal interest 
Councillor Alan Taylor2Minute No. 83 of the Halesowen Area Committee (Delegated Capital Budget) – as a Member of Friends of Leasowes and a Governor of Olive Hill Primary School.Disclosed personal interest 
Councillor Adrian Turner2Minute No. 58 of the Select Committee on Community Safety and Community Services (Driver Watch) – as a Founder Member of Driver Watch.Disclosed personal interest 
Councillor Adrian Turner2Minute No. 40(i) of the Tree Preservation Orders Committee (Plan No. P07/2006 - Upper Lutley House, 50 Lutley Lane, Hayley Green, Halesowen) - as applicants are friends.Disclosed personal and prejudicial interest 
Councillor Hazel Turner2Minute No. 83 of the Halesowen Area Committee (Delegated Capital Budget) – as a Trustee of Age Concern.Disclosed personal and prejudicial interest 
Councillor Hazel Turner2Minute No. 40(i) of the Tree Preservation Orders Committee (Plan No. P07/2006 - Upper Lutley House, 50 Lutley Lane, Hayley Green, Halesowen) - as applicants are friends.Disclosed personal and prejudicial interest 
Councillor Kenneth Turner2Councillor K. Turner – Minute No. 83 of the Halesowen Area Committee (Delegated Capital Budget) – as the Vice-Chairman of Age Concern.Disclosed personal and prejudicial interest 
Councillor Kenneth Turner2Minute No. 83 of the Halesowen Area Committee (Delegated Capital Budget) – Member of the Caslon Community Partnership.Disclosed personal interest 
Councillor Kenneth Turner2Minute No. 64 of the Select Committee on Regeneration, Culture and Adult Education (Dudley Borough Economic Strategy) – any reference to Castle Hill as a Trustee of Dudley Zoo.Disclosed personal and prejudicial interest 
Councillor Kenneth Turner2Minute No. 40(i) of the Tree Preservation Orders Committee (Plan No. P07/2006 - Upper Lutley House, 50 Lutley Lane, Hayley Green, Halesowen) - as applicants are friends.Disclosed personal and prejudicial interest 
Councillor Kenneth Turner2Agenda Item 5(a)(iii) (Dudley Borough Economic Strategy and any references to Groundwork Black Country) - as Director and Treasurer of Groundwork Black Country.Disclosed personal and prejudicial interest 
Councillor Kenneth Turner2Agenda Item 5 and any references to Castle Hill Development or Dudley Zoo - as a Trustee of Dudley Zoological Gardens.Disclosed personal and prejudicial interest 
Councillor Dave Tyler2Minute No. 80 of Brierley Hill Area Committee (Capital Allocations in so far as it related to Lunch on the Run) – as he had encouraged the organisers to submit a grant application.Disclosed personal interest 
Councillor Dave Tyler2Minute No. 80 of Brierley Hill Area Committee (Capital Allocations in so far as it related to the grant application made by the Lions Boxing club) – as a keen supporter of the Boxing Club.Disclosed personal interest 
Councillor Dave Tyler2Minute No. 80 of Brierley Hill Area Committee (Capital Allocations in so far as it related to the Kingswinford Village Association) – as he had been involved in the formation of the Association.Disclosed personal interest 
Councillor Dave Tyler2Minute No. 80 of Brierley Hill Area Committee (Capital Allocations in so far as it related to Wall Heath Community Association) – in view of his membership of the Management Committee of the Association.Disclosed personal interest 
Councillor Dave Tyler2Minute No. 64 of the Select Committee on Regeneration, Culture and Adult Education (Dudley Borough Economic Strategy) – any reference to the Castle Hill project as a Trustee of Dudley Zoo.Disclosed personal and prejudicial interest 
Councillor Dave Tyler2Minute No. 26 of the Audit Committee (Terms of Reference of the Audit Committee) – as a recipient of a West Midlands Pension from a previous employment.Disclosed personal interest 
Councillor Elizabeth Walker2Minute No. 63 of the Select Committee on Children’s Services (references to Building Schools for the Future) – in view of School Governorship as referred to in the Minutes of the Select Committee.Disclosed personal interest 
Councillor Steve Waltho2Minute No. 83 of the Central Dudley Area Committee (Capital Allocations – St Thomas’s Community Games Association) – as the Vice Chairman of the organisation making the application.Disclosed personal and prejudicial interest 
Councillor Steve Waltho2Minutes of the Central Dudley Area Committee and all references to St. Thomas’s Community Network – in view of involvement as Trustee of the Network.Disclosed personal interest 
Councillor Colin Wilson2Minute No. 67 of the Select Committee on Regeneration, Culture and Adult Education (Developments in Coseley) – in view of possible future determinations as member of the Development Control Committee.Disclosed personal interest 
Councillor Colin Wilson2Minute No. 64 of the Select Committee on Regeneration, Culture and Adult Education (Dudley Borough Economic Strategy) – in view of possible future determinations as member of the Development Control Committee.Disclosed personal interest 
Councillor Colin Wilson2Minute No. 70 of the Select Committee on Regeneration, Culture and Adult Education (Progress Report on Regeneration of Stourbridge) – in view of any possible future determinations as member of the Development Control Committee.Disclosed personal interest 
Councillor Colin Wilson2Minute No. 71 of the Select Committee on Regeneration, Culture and Adult Education (Planning Application Statistics Relating to Affordable Housing and Apartment Developments) – as member of the Development Control Committee involved in the decision making process producing the statistics under consideration.Disclosed personal interest 
Councillor Colin Wilson2Minute No. 65 of the Select Committee on Regeneration, Culture and Adult Education (Presentation on the Joint Core Strategy for the Black Country – Preferred Options) – as any references to new build and densities as related to Dudley Borough in respect of future applications that may appear before the Development Control Committee.Disclosed personal interest 
Councillor Colin Wilson2Minutes of the Central Dudley Area Committee and all references to St. Thomas’s Community Network – in view of involvement as Trustee of the Network.Disclosed personal interest 
Councillor John Woodall2Minute No. 85 of Halesowen Area Committee (The Leasowes Restoration) - as a Member of the Friends of the Leasowes.Disclosed personal interest 
Councillor Timothy Wright2Minute No. 71(iii) of the Development Control Committee (Plans and Applications to Develop – Planning Application No. P07/2227 – 23 Grosvenor Road/Central Drive, Dudley) – in view of the fact that he had previously been employed by the applicant.Disclosed personal and prejudicial interest 

Other Attendees

There were no other attendees present at this meeting