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Meeting Details

12 Oct 2009 - 18:00 to 20:12
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Declarations of Interests

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
Councillor Khurshid Ahmed3Minute No. 34 of Central Dudley Area Committee (Ward Issues – reference to Stepping Stone Street) – resident in Stepping Stone Street.Disclosed personal interest 
Councillor Margaret Aston3Minute No. 8 of the Select Committee on Health and Adult Social Care (Report on the Annual Review of the Directorate of Adult, Community and Housing Services Equality and Diversity Action Plan 2008/09) – Ward Member on the North Priory Project Board. Disclosed personal interest 
Councillor Margaret Aston3Minute No. 13(ii) of the Development Control Committee (Plan No. P08/1918 – Newey Business Park) - had meeting with developers as Ward Councillor.Disclosed personal interest 
Councillor Ena Blood3Minute No. 14(x) of the Tree Preservation Orders Committee (Planning application P09/0889 – 67 Stream Road, Kingswinford) – the applicant had been a personal acquaintance.Disclosed personal interest 
Councillor Richard Body3Councillor Body – Minute No. 37 of Halesowen Area Committee (Delegated Capital Budget - application by the Cradley Community and Welfare Association) - Vice Chairman of that organisation.Disclosed personal and prejudicial interest 
Councillor Ray Burston3Agenda Item No. 5(i) Capital Programme Monitoring – Paragraph 14 (Bus Showcase schemes) - employment with CENTRODisclosed personal interest 
Councillor Ray Burston3Minute No. 36 of North Dudley Area Committee (Transport Issues) - employment with CENTRO.Disclosed personal interest 
Councillor John R. Davies3Agenda Item 5(d) – Review of Housing Finance – a close relative was a Council tenant.Disclosed personal interest 
Councillor Malcolm Davis3All items relating to social services - service user.Disclosed personal interest 
Councillor Ken Finch3Minute No. 8 of the Select Committee on Health and Adult Social Care (Report on the Annual Review of the Directorate of Adult, Community and Housing Services Equality and Diversity Action Plan 2008/09) – Ward Member on the North Priory Project Board.Disclosed personal interest 
Councillor Ken Finch3Minute No. 29(ix) of the Development Control Committee (Planning application P09/0892 - Former Sycamore Green Primary School, Sycamore Green, Parkes Hall Estate, Dudley – Change of use of land from D1 (School) to D2 to include construction of an Adventure Playground and Playbarn with associated Upgrading of Existing Access Routes) - insofar as he had attended meetings and been involved in discussions concerning this site.Disclosed interest 
Councillor Ken Finch3Minute No. 13(ii) of the Development Control Committee (Plan No. P08/1918 – Newey Business Park) - had meeting with developers as Ward Councillor.Disclosed personal interest 
Councillor Alan Finch3Minute No. 8 of the Select Committee on Health and Adult Social Care (Report on the Annual Review of the Directorate of Adult, Community and Housing Services Equality and Diversity Action Plan 2008/09) – Ward Member on the North Priory Project Board.Disclosed personal interest 
Councillor Alan Finch3Minute No. 13(ii) of the Development Control Committee (Plan No. P08/1918 – Newey Business Park) - had meeting with developers as Ward Councillor.Disclosed personal interest 
Councillor Mohammed Hanif3Minute No. 28 of Stourbridge Area Committee (Capital Allocations – Application by Lye and Wollescote Partnership Group) – member the Partnership Group.Disclosed personal and prejudicial interest 
Councillor Rachel Harris3Any references in the agenda papers to matters relating to health and social care in so far as they relate to the business of Dudley Primary Care Trust as partners, co-commissioners and co-providers of services in the Borough - Chair of Dudley Primary Care Trust.Disclosed personal interest 
Councillor Jeff Hill3Minute No. 27 of the Audit Committee (Exceptions to Standing Orders) – Governor at a School referred to in the report.Disclosed personal interest 
Councillor Peter Lowe3Minute No. 28 of Stourbridge Area Committee (Capital Allocations – Application by Lye and Wollescote Partnership Group) - attendee at the Partnership Group.Disclosed personal interest 
Councillor Anne Millward3Minute No. 40 of North Dudley Area Committee (Delegated Capital Budget – request by Baggeridge Social Club for an extension to time for claiming grant) - in view of appointment by the Council as trustee of the Baggeridge Social Club.Disclosed personal and prejudicial interest 
Councillor Heather Rogers3Minute No. 29 of Stourbridge Area Committee (Mary Stevens Park Heritage Lottery Fund Bid and Gates) - Chairman of the Friends of Mary Stevens Park.Disclosed personal interest 
Councillor Heather Rogers3Minute No. 31 of Stourbridge Area Committee (Healthy Towns Project) – Chairman of the Friends of Mary Stevens Park.Disclosed personal interest 
Councillor Julian Ryder3Minute No. 22(i) of the Development Control Committee (Planning application P09/0517 - Café Casita, Clarence Street, Dudley) - spoke to protestors prior to the application being determined.Disclosed personal and prejudicial interest 
Councillor Geoffrey Southall3Minute No. 29(xv) of the Development Control Committee (Planning application P09/0994 - Dudley Employees Sports and Social Club, Hillcrest Avenue, Brierley Hill – Erection of 6 No. Lighting Columns) – the Secretary of the Club submitting the application had been known for many years.Disclosed personal and prejudicial interest 
Councillor Geoffrey Southall3Minute No. 29(xix) of the Development Control Committee (Planning application P09/0848 - 2 Sandringham Road, Wordsley, Stourbridge – Two Storey Side and Single Storey Rear Extensions (following demolition of Existing Garage)) - his house overlooked the applicant’s property; he was a resident at one of the ten properties to which a notification letter had been sent and the applicants and objectors were known to him.Disclosed personal and prejudicial interest 
Councillor Geoffrey Southall3Minute No. 14(x) of the Tree Preservation Orders Committee (Planning application P09/0889 – 67 Stream Road, Kingswinford) – the applicant was a member of the congregation of the Church, which Councillor Southall attended.Disclosed personal interest 
Councillor Hazel Turner3Minutes Nos. 13(i) and 21(i) of the Development Control Committee (Planning application P09/0138 - 50 High Street, Quarry Bank) – the Developer was known to her.Disclosed personal and prejudicial interest 
Councillor Kenneth Turner3Minutes Nos. 13(i) and 21(i) of the Development Control Committee (Planning application P09/0138 - 50 High Street, Quarry Bank) – the Developer was known as a friend.Disclosed personal and prejudicial interest 
Councillor Adrian Turner3Minute No. 28 of Stourbridge Area Committee (Capital Allocations – Application by Lye and Wollescote Partnership Group) - secretary of the Partnership Group.Disclosed personal and prejudicial interest 
Councillor Adrian Turner3Minutes Nos. 13(i) and 21(i) of the Development Control Committee (Planning application P09/0138 - 50 High Street, Quarry Bank) – the Developer was known as a friend.Disclosed personal and prejudicial interest 
Councillor Colin Wilson3Minutes Nos. 13(xviii) and 21(iii) of the Development Control Committee (Planning application P09/0508 - Land to the rear of Skansen, Ounty John Lane, Stourbridge) – the applicant was a friend of some thirty years duration.Disclosed personal and prejudicial interest 
Councillor Timothy Wright3Minute No. 40 of North Dudley Area Committee (Delegated Capital Budget – request by Baggeridge Social Club for an extension to time for claiming grant) - in view of appointment by the Council as trustee of the Baggeridge Social Club.Disclosed personal and prejudicial interest 
Councillor Timothy Wright3Minute No. 28 of the Development Control Committee (Planning Obligations) – tenant of Midland Heart.Disclosed personal interest 
Councillor Timothy Wright3Minute No. 33(xiii) of the Development Control Committee (Planning application P09/0471 - 17 Smithy Lane, Brierley Hill) - the applicant was known to him.Disclosed personal and prejudicial interest 
Councillor Timothy Wright3Delegated Decision No. 49 (Ellowes Hall Sports College – Sports Facility) - Governor of Ellowes Hall Sports College.Disclosed personal and prejudicial interest 
Councillor Timothy Wright3Any references in the agenda papers to Midland Heart - as a tenant.Disclosed personal and prejudicial interest 

Other Attendees

There were no other attendees present at this meeting