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Meeting Details

28 Feb 2011 - 18:00 to 20:45
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Declarations of Interests

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
Councillor Angus Adams2Minute No. 57 Stourbridge Area Committee (Request to Upgrade the Path through Swinford Common) in view of his Presidency of the Friends of Mary Stevens Park GroupPersonalRecorded in Minutes
Councillor Khurshid Ahmed2Minute No. 56 Central Dudley Area Committee (Capital Allocations - Dudley Central Mosque) in view of the fact that he occasionally worships at the MosquePersonalRecorded in Minutes
Councillor Shaukat Ali2Minute No. 56 Central Dudley Area Committee (Capital Allocations - Dudley Central Mosque) in view of the fact that he worships at the MosquePersonalRecorded in Minutes
Councillor Shaukat Ali2Minute No. 75 Central Dudley Area Committee (Capital Allocations - St. Thomas's Community Network) in view of him being a Director of the St. Thomas's NetworkPersonal & PrejudicialRecorded in Minutes
Councillor Doreen Ameson2Minute No. 120 Taxis Committee (Review of Private HIre and Hackney Carriage Drivers' Licences and Private Hire Operator's Licence - Mr S N S) in view of her having reported the driver to the Licensing Enforcement OfficePersonal & PrejudicialRecorded in Minutes
Councillor Mike Attwood2Minute No. 53 Stourbridge Area Committee (Measures to Assist Access for Cyclists into High Street, Stourbridge near the Checkers Inn) in view of him being the Member Champion for CyclingPersonalRecorded in Minutes
Councillor Ray Burston2Minue No. 48 Central Dudley Area Committee (Police Issues - Dudley Bus Station) in view of him being employed by CENTROPersonalRecorded in MInutes
Councillor Ray Burston2Minute No. 65 North Dudley Area Committee (Transport Issues) in view of him being employed by CENTROPersonalRecorded in Minutes
Councillor Ray Burston2Minute No's 41(b) and (g) Brierley Hill Area Committee (Brierley Hill Town Centre -Investigation in conjunction with CENTRO and Provision of a Bus Stop in Brierley Hill High Street respectively) in view of him being employed by CENTROPersonalRecorded in Minutes
Councillor John R. Davies2Agenda Item No. 5(b) (Deployment of Resources: Housing Revenue Account and Public Sector Housing Capital) in view of him having a relative who is a tenant of the Local Authority PersonalRecorded in Minutes
Councillor John R. Davies2Any references in the agenda papers to the Revenue Budget Strategy (as the funding for Dudley Citizens Advice Bureau will be in the Budget) in view of him having colleagues who work for the organisationPersonalRecorded in Minutes
Councillor John R. Davies2Agenda Item 5(b) (References to Adaptations for Persons with disabilities) in view of him having a disabled relative who may be affected by the proposals PersonalRecorded in Minutes
Councillor John R. Davies2Minute No. 39 Select Committee on Community Safety and Community Services ( Revenue Budget 2011/12) in view of it relating to Dudley Citizens Advice Bureau and him working for Sandwell Citizens Advice Bureau and he has a colleauge who works for Dudley Citizens Advice BureauPersonalRecorded in Minutes
Councillor Lesley Faulkner2Minute No. 69 Halesowen Area Committee (Dudley Group of Hospitals Foundation Trust Membership and Organ Donation) in view of her being a Dudley Group of Hospitals Governor on the Council of GovernorsPersonalRecorded in Minutes
Councillor Alan Finch2Delegate Decision No's 21 and 34 (Relating to Priory Park) in view of him being Chair of the Friends of Priory ParkPersonalRecorded in Minutes
Councillor Mohammed Hanif2Minute No. 54 Stourbridge Area Committee (Capital Allocations - Valley Road Youth Centre) in view of his relationship with a person attending the CentrePersonalRecorded in Minutes
Councillor Jeff Hill2Minute No. 73 Halesowen Area Committee (Earls High School Foundation - Final Accounts) in view of him being a Governor of the SchoolPersonalRecorded in Minutes
Councillor Zafar Islam2Minute No. 27 Select Committee on Environment (Petition Opposing the Introduction of Double Yellow Lines at Board School Gardens, Upper Gornal) in view of the Petitioner and her family being a regular client at the Pharmacy where he works.Personal & PrejudicialRecorded in Minutes
Councillor Robert James2Minute No. 73 Halesowen Area Committee (Earls High School Foundation - Final Accounts) in view of him being a Governor of the SchoolPersonalRecorded in Minutes
Councillor Malcolm Knowles2Agenda Item No. 5(b) (Deployment of Resources: Housing Revenue Account and Public Sector Housing Capital) in view him being a tenant with two local authority GaragesPersonalRecorded in Minutes
Councillor Malcolm Knowles2Agenda Item 5(a) (Capital Programme Monitoring) and Delegated Decision No. 10 - Gig Mill Primary School - Redevelopment of Swimming Pool) in view of him being a School Governor at Gigmill SchoolPersonalRecorded in Minutes
Councillor Heather Rogers2Minute No. 57 Stourbridge Area Committee (Request to Upgrade the Path through Swinford Common) in view of her Chairmanship of the Friends of Mary Stevens Park GroupPersonalRecorded in Minutes
Councillor David Simms2Minute No. 64 North Dudley Area Committee (Youth Issues) in view of his daughter being a candidate for the United Kingdom Youth Parliamentary ElectionsPersonalRecorded in Minutes
Councillor Geoffrey Southall2Minute No. 45 Tree Preservation Orders Committee Plan Number P10/1428 - 7 Clear View, Kingswinford) in view of him being a personal friend of the objectorsPersonal & PrejudicialReocrded in Minutes
Councillor Geoffrey Southall2Minute No. 70 Development Control Committee (Planning Application Number P10/1695 - 18 Lawnswood Road, Wordsley, Stourbridge) in view of him being acquainted with the applicant and his wife and daughter were patrons of a hairdressing salon currently operated by the applicantPersonal & PrejudicialRecorded in Minutes
Councillor Geoffrey Southall2Minute No. 52 Development Control Committee - (Planning Application Numbers P10/0764 and P10/0765 - Kudos House, Land corner of Priory Road and Ednam Road, Dudley) in view of his daughter being employed by Dudley CollegePersonalRecorded in Minutes
Councillor Geoffrey Southall2Minute No. 56 Development Control Committee (Planning Application Number P10/1495 - rear of 15 Witton Street, Norton, Stourbridge) in view of him being a personal friend of the occupants of number 2 Fredericks ClosePersonal & PrejudicialRecorded in Minutes
Councillor Geoffrey Southall2Minute No. 65 Development Control Committee (Planning Application Number P10/0914 - College Campus, Dudley College, Castle View Campus, The Parade, Dudley) in view of his daughter being employed by Dudley CollegePersonalRecorded in Minutes
Councillor Alan Taylor2Minute No. 70 Halesowen Area Committee (Nimmings Road Area, Shell Corner: Proposed Traffic Regulation Orders) in view of him having an interest in a property in the area covered by the proposed Traffic Regulation OrderPersonal & PrejudicialRecorded in Minutes
Councillor Kenneth Turner2Minute No. 63 Halesowen Area Committee (Emergency Services Issues) in view of him being a Member of the West Midlands Fire and Rescure AuthorityPersonalRecorded in Minutes
Councillor Kenneth Turner2Minute No. 70 Halesowen Area Committee (Nimmings Road Area, Shell Corner: Proposed Traffic Regulation Orders) in view of him having business premises located in the area covered by the proposed Traffic Regulation OrdersPersonal & PrejudicialRecorded in Minutes
Councillor Hazel Turner2Minute No. 65 Development Control Committee(Planning Application Number P10/1627 -Proposed Housing Development, Prospect Row, Dudley) in view of her knowing the developerPersonal & PrejudicialRecorded in Minutes
Councillor Hazel Turner2Minute No. 52 Development Control Committee (Planning Application Number P10/1164 - Struggling Man, Prospect Row, Dudley) in view of her knowing the developerPersonal & PrejudicialRecorded in Minutes
Councillor Dave Tyler2Minute No. 44 Brierley Hill Area (Capital Allocations Maidensbridge Primary School) in view of him being Chair of Governors at the SchoolPersonal & PrejudicialRecorded in Minutes
Councillor David Vickers2Minute No. 43 Select Committee on Children's Services (Update of the Pensnett Education Campus) in view of him being Chairman of the Management Committee of the Short Stay School ServicePersonalRecorded in Minutes
Councillor David Vickers2Minute No. 44 Select Committee on Children's Services (16-19 Funding and Commissioning for Young People and Those Aged 16-25 - Learners with Learning Difficulties or Disabilites) in view of him being the Council's Member Champion for Learning DisabilitiesPersonalRecorded in Minutes
Councillor Elizabeth Walker2Minute No. 54 Stourbridge Area Committee (Project Gambia - Ridgewood High School) in view of her relationship with a pupil attending the schoolPersonalRecorded in Minutes
Councillor Timothy Wright2Minute No. 70 Development Control Committee (Planning Application Number P10/1535 - Land to the rear of 43 - 77 Middlepark Road, Dudley) in view of him being a resident of MIdland Heart, which mentioned in the reportPersonalRecorded in Minutes

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