Dudley Skyline

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Meeting Details

8 Dec 2010 - 18:00 to 18:50
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Declarations of Interests


No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Sending Apology
No apology information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Absence
No absentee information has been recorded for the meeting.

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.

Other Attendees

Also in attendance at the above meeting were:

Councillor Mohammed Hanif    -    Opposition spokesperson (Substitute for Councillor Sparks)
Councillor Peter Lowe             -    Opposition spokesperson
Councillor Shaukat Ali             -     Opposition spokesperson
Councillor Susan Ridney         -     Opposition spokesperson

___ Members of public expressed a desire to address the meeting.