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Meeting Details

1 Dec 2014 - 18:00 to 19:50
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Declarations of Interests

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
Councillor Adam Aston2All matters relating to West Midlands Ambulance Service (WMAS) as an employee of WMAS.PecuniaryRecorded in Minutes
Councillor Jackie Cowell2Minute No. 14 of the Ernest Stevens Trusts Management Committee (Mary Stevens Park, Worcester Street, Stourbridge – Cafe to Lease) as a Trustee of Mary Stevens Hospice.Non-PecuniaryRecorded in Minutes
Councillor Jackie Cowell2Minute No. 15 of the Ernest Stevens Trusts Management Committee (Stevens Park Wollescote, Quarry Bank Park and Mary Stevens Park, Stourbridge – Provision of Ball Games on Sundays) as a Trustee of Mary Stevens Hospice.Non-PecuniaryRecorded in Minutes
Councillor Timothy Crumpton2All matters affecting schools as a relative worked as a supply teacher.Non-PecuniaryRecorded in Minutes
Councillor Michael Evans2Agenda Item No. 6(b) (Capital Programme Monitoring) – reference to Castle Hill as a trustee of Dudley Zoo.Non-PecuniaryRecorded in Minutes
Councillor Mohammed Hanif2Minute No. 14 of the Ernest Stevens Trusts Management Committee (Mary Stevens Park, Worcester Street, Stourbridge – Cafe to Lease) as a Trustee of Mary Stevens Hospice and his attendance at meetings concerning Wollescote Park.Non-PecuniaryRecorded in Minutes
Councillor Mohammed Hanif2Minute No. 14 of the Ernest Stevens Trusts Management Committee (Mary Stevens Park, Worcester Street, Stourbridge – Cafe to Lease) as a Trustee of Mary Stevens Hospice and his attendance at meetings concerning Wollescote Park.Non-PecuniaryRecorded in Minutes
Councillor Mohammed Hanif2Minute No. 15 of the Ernest Stevens Trusts Management Committee (Stevens Park Wollescote, Quarry Bank Park and Mary Stevens Park, Stourbidge – Provision of Ball Games on Sundays) as a Trustee of Mary Stevens Hospice and his attendance at meetings concerning Wollescote Park.Non-PecuniaryRecorded in Minutes
Councillor Derrick Hemingsley2Agenda Item No. 6(b) (Capital Programme Monitoring) – reference to Castle Hill Development as a trustee of Dudley Zoo.Non-PecuniaryRecorded in Minutes
Councillor Les Jones2Minute No. 14 of the Ernest Stevens Trusts Management Committee (Mary Stevens Park, Worcester Street, Stourbridge – Cafe to Lease) as a former Trustee of Mary Stevens Hospice.Non-PecuniaryRecorded in Minutes
Councillor Les Jones2Minute No. 15 of the Ernest Stevens Trusts Management Committee (Stevens Park Wollescote, Quarry Bank Park and Mary Stevens Park, Stourbridge – Provision of Ball Games on Sundays) as a former Trustee of Mary Stevens Hospice.Non-PecuniaryRecorded in Minutes
Councillor Ian Marrey2Minute No. 14 of the Ernest Stevens Trusts Management Committee (Mary Stevens Park, Worcester Street, Stourbridge – Cafe to Lease) in relation to stakeholders meetings.Non-PecuniaryRecorded in Minutes
Councillor Ian Marrey2Minute No. 15 of the Ernest Stevens Trusts Management Committee (Stevens Park Wollescote, Quarry Bank Park and Mary Stevens Park, Stourbridge – Provision of Ball Games on Sundays) in relation to stakeholders meetings.Non-PecuniaryRecorded in Minutes
Councillor Gaye Partridge2Minute No. 14 of the Ernest Stevens Trusts Management Committee (Mary Stevens Park, Worcester Street, Stourbridge – Cafe to Lease) as she received invitations to the Stakeholders meetings.Non-PecuniaryRecorded in Minutes
Councillor Gaye Partridge2Minute No. 15 of the Ernest Stevens Trusts Management Committee (Stevens Park Wollescote, Quarry Bank Park and Mary Stevens Park, Stourbridge – Provision of Ball Games on Sundays) as she received invitations to the Stakeholders meetings and had been lobbied concerning Minute No. 15.Non-PecuniaryRecorded in Minutes
Councillor Heather Rogers2Minute No. 14 of the Ernest Stevens Trusts Management Committee (Mary Stevens Park, Worcester Street, Stourbridge – Cafe to Lease) as Chair of Friends Group for Mary Stevens Park and Swinford Common. Also in relation to her involvement with the Project Implementation Team – Heritage Lottery Bid for Mary Stevens Park and attendance at stakeholder meetings.Non-PecuniaryRecorded in Minutes
Councillor Heather Rogers2Minute No. 15 of the Ernest Stevens Trusts Management Committee (Stevens Park Wollescote, Quarry Bank Park and Mary Stevens Park, Stourbridge – Provision of Ball Games on Sundays) as Chair of Friends Group for Mary Stevens Park and Swinford Common. Also in relation to her involvement with the Project Implementation Team – Heritage Lottery Bid for Mary Stevens Park and attendance at stakeholder meetings.Non-PecuniaryRecorded in Minutes
Councillor Heather Rogers2Agenda Item No. 6(b) and Minute No. 36 of the Cabinet (Capital Programme Monitoring) – reference to Lea Vale Road Culvert as joint owner of 144 Lea Vale Road, Stourbridge.PecuniaryRecorded in Minutes
Councillor Glenis Simms2Issues relating to Looked After Children in view of her employment with an independent fostering agency.Non-PecuniaryRecorded in Minutes
Councillor David Sparks2Agenda Item No. 6(b) (Capital Programme Monitoring) – reference to Castle Hill Development as a trustee of Dudley Zoo.Non-PecuniaryRecorded in Minutes
Councillor David Sparks2Agenda Item No. 6(b) and Minute No. 36 of the Cabinet (Capital Programme Monitoring) – reference to Lea Vale Road Culvert as a member of his family owns a property in Lea Vale Road, Stourbridge.PecuniaryRecorded in Minutes
Councillor Stuart Turner2Any references to matters concerning Dudley College in view of his employment as a Lecturer.PecuniaryRecorded in Minutes
Councillor Dave Tyler2Agenda Item No. 6(b) (Capital Programme Monitoring) – reference to Castle Hill Development as a Co-opted Member in relation to Dudley Zoo.Non-PecuniaryRecorded in Minutes
Councillor Mike Wood2Minute No 29 of the Cabinet (Demographic Growth Funding – The Creation of a New Special Educational Needs Post 16 Facility) as Governor (and Chair of the Finance Committee) at Halesbury School and Vice-Chair of the Board of Trustees at the People’s Field Trust (Halesbury and Sutton Schools).Non-PecuniaryRecorded in Minutes
Councillor Qadar Zada2Minute No 34 of the Development Control Committee (Planning Application No. P14/1231) Land Between 123 and 130 Northfield Road, Netherton, in view of him being the applicant and owner of the land.PecuniaryRecorded in Minutes
Councillor Qadar Zada2Agenda Item No. 6(d) (Annual Review of the Constitution) – Integrated Transport Authority – Establishment of an Overview and Scrutiny Committee as a Member of Centro.Non-PecuniaryRecorded in Minutes
Councillor Qadar Zada2 Issues relating to Children, Young People and Families as an employee of Black Country Partnership NHS Trust.Non-PecuniaryRecorded in Minutes

Other Attendees

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