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Meeting Details

13 Apr 2015 - 18:00 to 19:02
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Declarations of Interests

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
Councillor Adam Aston2All matters relating to West Midlands Ambulance Service (WMAS) as an employee of WMAS.PecuniaryRecorded in Minutes
Councillor Margaret Aston2Minute No. 48 of the Health and Scrutiny Committee (reference to West Midlands Ambulance Service) as her son is employed by WMAS.PecuniaryRecorded in Minutes
Councillor Richard Body2Minute No. 37 of the Adult, Community and Housing Services Scrutiny Committee (The Homelessness Service) as a YMCA Host caring for homeless teenagers and as the Landlord of properties within the Dudley Borough respectively.Non-PecuniaryRecorded in Minutes
Councillor Michael Evans5(a)Reference to Castle Hill Development as Trustees of Dudley Zoo.Non-PecuniaryRecorded in Minutes
Councillor Derrick Hemingsley5(a)Reference to Castle Hill Development as Trustees of Dudley Zoo.Non-PecuniaryRecorded in Minutes
Councillor Stuart Henley2Any matters relating to West Midlands Fire and Rescue Service (WMFRS) as an employee of WMFRS.PecuniaryRecorded in Minutes
Councillor Stuart Henley2Minute No. 56 of the Health Scrutiny Committee (Mental Health Quality and Performance Review) in view of the fact that his wife works for the Black Country Partnership National Service (NHS) Trust.Non-PecuniaryRecorded in Minutes
Councillor Natalie Neale2Dudley Health and Wellbeing Board - in view of her employment with NHS 111.Non-PecuniaryRecorded in Minutes
Councillor Glenis Simms2Issues relating to Looked After Children in view of her employment with an independent fostering agency.Non-PecuniaryRecorded in Minutes
Councillor David Sparks5(a)Reference to Castle Hill Development as Trustees of Dudley Zoo.Non-PecuniaryRecorded in Minutes
Councillor Stuart Turner2Any references to matters concerning Dudley College in view of his employment as a Lecturer.PecuniaryRecorded in Minutes
Councillor Kenneth Turner2Minute No. 37 of the Adult, Community and Housing Services Scrutiny Committee (The Homelessness Service) as a YMCA Host caring for homeless teenagers and as the Landlord of properties within the Dudley Borough respectively.Non-PecuniaryRecorded in Minutes
Councillor Kenneth Turner2Minute No. 41 of the Adult, Community and Housing Services Scrutiny Committee (The Care Act and Market Shaping) as Director and Chairman of Age Concern, Stourbridge and Halesowen.Non-PecuniaryRecorded in Minutes
Councillor Dave Tyler5(a)Reference to Castle Hill Development as a Co-opted Member in relation to Dudley Zoo.Non-PecuniaryRecorded in Minutes
Councillor Qadar Zada2Issues relating to Children, Young People and Families as an employee of Black Country Partnership NHS Trust.Non-PecuniaryRecorded in Minutes
Councillor Qadar Zada2Minute No. 77 of the Development Control Committee (Planning Application No. P14/1831 – 60 Hill Street, Netherton, Dudley) in view of the reference made to Hillcrest School and his child’s attendance at the school. Non-PecuniaryRecorded in Minutes
Councillor Qadar Zada2Minute No. 77 of the Development Control Committee (Planning Application No. P15/0005 – Hingley Anchor, Netherton, Dudley) as he indicated that he had, in the past, supported the retention of the Anchor in Netherton and it was stated that he would consider the application on its merits and previous views would not prejudice his judgement.Non-PecuniaryRecorded in Minutes

Other Attendees

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